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About Me
I live in Zürich with my American husband and my two children. In addition to a busy work and family schedule I try to find balance in my life. This can be some time in nature, alone or with my family or friends. It can be getting lost in a book or enjoying a good meal with close friends. Learning to take care of oneself has many unique and individual forms. I have celiac disease and therefore need to eliminate gluten from my diet. I don't want to compromise so lately I have been spending a lot of time experimenting with and improving an ever growing list of gluten free recipes.
In counseling and therapy, I have found a field in which I can use my strengths. I am interested in people, in their stories, their points of view and the resulting behaviors. I bring passion into my work as I try to build a whole and consistent picture out of the many individual pieces. It is extremely important for me to create an independent opinion of each situation based upon a deep understanding of my clients and their backgrounds. I am quick, flexible, adaptable and I have learned over time to stay true to my values. A bit of humor also goes a long way in being helpful.
I am both Swiss and British and am fluent in German and English.
Work Experience
Jan. 2003 to present: School Psychologist for SPBD Meilen, Zürich
Diagnostics, counseling and support for school children and their families, support for teachers and school faculty and administrators, launch of the steering committee "class interventions", leading teacher "Reflection Group"
since Aug. 2011: Member of the Board of Directors and Deputy Head of SPBD Meilen, Zürich
Preparation of operating budgets and financial statements, contract negotiations with county communities, participation in strategy committees, new employees training, case supervision.
2003 - 2004: Group Therapist - Child Guidance Center, Bern
Group Therapy for Children according to the Mythodrama Technique.
2002 - 2004: Psychologist - IKM Guggenbühl AG, Zürich
Mobbing / Bullying Specialist: Research, Class Interventions, Coaching, Project Management.
Academic Publications
Schulpsychologie (S.121 -148); Morena Inäbnit und Tanja Rom; In: Schulische und schulnahe Dienste Hrsg: Florian Baier und Stefan Schnurr; Hauptverlag. Bern 2008
Implementation of conflict management strategies and evaluation of its effects from a cooperative international perspective. Edition IKM, Untere Zäune 1, 8001 Zürich: Allan Guggenbühl, Petra Boström, Kathrin Hersberger und Tanja Rom (2003)
2022 - 2023: Supervsion Training
Systemic Supervision Training SKJP
2016 - 2017: Training in Yoga Psychotherapy
Institut für Yoga Psychotherapie, Zürich
2007 - 2015: Post Graduate Clinical Psychotherapy Degree (FSP) Certification Course
Institute for Systemic Couples and Family Therapy (Institut für systemische Paar- und Familientherapie und Beratung) / Dr. C. Gammer
2002 - 2010: Post Graduate Child and Youth Psychology (FSP) Certification
Certification courses on various topics such as: Counseling Competence, Mythodrama, Neuropsychological assessment e.g. Dyslexia, ADD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Anxiety and Depression, Personality Disorders, Tics and Obsessive/Compulsive Dissorders, Truancy, Neurofeedback, Dyscalculia, Authority through Relationship, Resource-oriented Behavior Modification, and more
1995 - 2002: Psychologiy Degree University of Zürich
Major: Social Psychology / Minors: Psychopathology and Neuropsychology